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Learn more about LevinPro LTC and LevinPro HC.

Lead with data-driven decisions

Healthcare services and technology

Seniors housing and skilled nursing

Providing context and analysis on healthcare transactions backed by a 34,000+ deal database

30+ years of expert analysis and unique transaction & cap rate data sourced directly from market participants

Lead with data-driven decisions

Health care services and technology

Providing context and analysis on healthcare transactions backed by a 31,000+ deal database

Seniors housing and skilled nursing

30+ years of expert analysis and unique transaction & cap rate data sourced directly from market participants

LevinPro is the only platform to exclusively track healthcare and long-term care acquisitions and capital markets activity

Built to purpose so you can build your strategy

16 primary sectors

Covering seniors housing, skilled nursing, active adults, CCRC’s, and 12 key healthcare sectors

40,000+ deals

Comprehensive deal database updated daily

LevinPro LTC

Access all long-term care analyst coverage and data

LevinPro HC

Access all healthcare analyst coverage and data

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Upcoming Webinar

October 23, 2024 | 1pm EST

(Sponsored by NewPoint Real Estate Capital)

3rd Quarter Investor Call

The webinar, sponsored by NewPoint Real Estate Capital, will feature a panel of lending experts offering their capital markets advice to borrowers in many different scenarios: M&A deals, refinancing troubled assets, the costs of construction lending today, and more. Operators, investors and lenders will not want to miss the event.

For more information, click here.