Hospital M&A Activity Holds Steady in Q2: 2015

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Lisa Phillips, Editor 800-248-1668 203-846-6800 Fax: 203-846-8300 NORWALK, CT – July 27 2015 – The hospital acquisition market held steady in the second quarter of 2015. Twenty-three transactions were announced...

The Members Breakfast, June 30, 2015

A quarterly event for SeniorCare Investor subscribers On Tuesday June 30, 2015, The SeniorCare Investor hosted the third meeting of The Members’ Breakfast, a quarterly event exclusively for SCI subscribers. Each event is designed for our subscribers to not only...

Home Health & Hospice M&A Activity Slows Down in Q:2 2015

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Stephen M. Monroe, Partner Lisa Phillips, Editor 800-248-1668 203-846-6800 Fax: 203-846-8300 NORWALK, CT – July 22, 2015 – The home health and hospice acquisition market appeared to take a breather in the second...

Senior Care M&A Activity Remains Strong in Q:2 2015

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Stephen M. Monroe Partner 800-248-1668 203-846-6800 Fax: 203-846-8300 NORWALK, CT – July 15, 2015 – The seniors housing and care merger and acquisition market, which includes skilled nursing, assisted living,...