Grandbridge Real Estate Capital

Charlotte, N.C.-based Grandbridge Real Estate Capital, one of the largest full-service commercial and multifamily mortgage banking companies in the nation, arranges permanent commercial and multifamily real estate loans, services loan portfolios, and provides asset...

Genesis HealthCare Corporation

Genesis HealthCare Corporation (GHC) is a provider of healthcare and support services to the elderly in the United States. GHC is also one of the nation’s largest long-term care and rehabilitation therapy providers. Genesis HealthCare in the News Genesis Exits...

Freddie Mac

Freddie Mac is a stockholder-owned corporation chartered by Congress in 1970 to create a continuous flow of funds to mortgage lenders in support of homeownership and rental housing.  The company supports the acquisition, refinance, rehabilitation and construction of...

Herbert J. Sims & Co., Inc.

Founded in 1935, HJ Sims is a leading national underwriter of tax-exempt bonds for senior housing and long-term care providers. Sims underwrote the first tax-exempt long-term care bond issue in the United States in 1965 and has since provided more than $15 billion in...

Houlihan Lokey Healthcare Group

Houlihan Lokey’s Healthcare Group is a recognized leader in M&A advisory and capital-raising services.  With 20 dedicated investment bankers, their Healthcare Group is among the largest in the field.   Houlihan Lokey Healthcare Group In The News Invesque...

Housing and Healthcare Finance, LLC.

Founded in 2002, Housing & Healthcare Finance, LLC (“HHCF”) is a financial services company headquartered in the Washington DC area with additional offices in New York, Ohio, Illinois, Wisconsin New Jersey and Florida.   Housing and Healthcare Finance, LLC. In The...